Teach your kids all about brushing their teeth with a fun at home dentist activity.

I found these pictures from 2.5 year old Little L and couldn’t help but share! Sometimes it can be hard to capture the dramatic play activities on camera but I’m so happy I have these in my photo roll.

What is dramatic play?
A type of play where kids pretend to be in real world scenarios downsized to fit them. This usually comes in the form of play kitchens, dress up, or make believe. When choosing a role and acting it out, they learn skills that will benefit them in the future.
There is a reason it is natural for kids to dress up and take on the roll of a mom, dentist, doctor, teacher, chef, police officer, scientist, or superhero.
What does dramatic play benefit?
This helps strengthen their imagination, self esteem, communication skills, individualism, personal expression, and describing feelings. They generally practice helping others and solving problems.

What he learned from this activity:
- All about teeth
- How to care for his teeth
- Practicing brushing on a model
- Playing pretend and having fun
- Solving problems

Here are some tips and tricks that have helped avoid fights in our teeth brushing routine:
- Let them brush their teeth whenever they want. We typically do morning and night but multiple times during the week we have a 10 AM brushing session or a 3:00 PM brushing session!
- Find a toothbrush they love! We started with these cute Dino ones that they loved. But recently they have been really interested in our electric toothbrushes so they now have their own!
- Choose a tooth paste they like. Our favorite is the watermelon tooth paste from Tubby Todd. My kids beg to use it! We have to remind them it’s not candy or food! Haha
- Let theme practice brushing their teeth on their own, don’t always do it for them. Very rarely do I have to help them with their teeth. They want to feel like a big kid and in charge, so let them!
- If it’s a struggle, start by creating an activity out of it so they can learn all about brushing their teeth.
- Find books on teeth or watch a video clip of what dentists do.
- Make it a fun game!!!
This was a little set from Amazon but I have even seen models like these at the dollar store! Keep your eye open and pick one up for you kiddo.