The perfect painting solution for a 3 year old and 20 month old.

My boys love to paint but holy smokes the thought of them and water colors stressed me out! I think I found a solution that keeps the liquidy disaster at bay.
I gave the boys each a water color pallet, paintbrush, and cup of water and let them have free reign of their painting experience. Using cotton pads allowed the water to instantly be absorbed and not smeared around on a piece of paper or the table. Also, keeping them in a container kept the mess in one specific place and made clean up super easy!

All you need:
- Water color pallet
- Paintbrushes
- Container for water
- Cotton pads
- Larger container to do the activity in

Why I love to keep play doh containers:
- Tall enough to hold water
- Can store paintbrushes during an activity without tipping over
- Holds enough liquid but not too much!
- Easy to clean, wipe off, or throw away

How to make this a learning experience:
- One of my favorite ways to teach and learn is to give my kids a creative outlet and listen to them talk. Most of the time they come up with their own questions to ask you or will even start a discussion that you can build on.
- Ask open needed questions to practice their vocabulary, speech, and conversation skills.
- Find a way to discuss colors or the mixing and changing of colors.
- Have them explain their art to you.
- One of my favorite ways to incorporate learning into an activity recently is the addition of a book. Read a book on colors and relate the book back to their activity.